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Digital meters - controllers with 4-digit read-out, 3-color display coupled to the different alarm status

Όργανα - controllers υψηλής τεχνολογίας με ενσωματωμένο πληκτρολόγιο προγραμματισμού-ρυθμίσεων (ή προγραμματισμό με ΗΥ μέσω λογισμικού). Επιλογή και μεταβολή χρωματισμού των φωτεινών χαρακτήρων βάσει προρυθμισμένων επιπέδων μετρήσεων (alarms)
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Digital meters - controllers with 4-digit read-out, 3-color display coupled to the different alarm status



    Digital panel meters, μp-based and signal conditioner for current, voltage, temperature, resistance, rate, frequency, speed and period, measurements with 0.1% RDG basic accuracy.
    TRMS AC current and voltage measurements

    Technical specifications

    • AC/DC current measurements: selectable full scales (200μA to 5A)
    • AC/DC voltage measurements: selectable full scales (200mV to 500V)
    • °C or °F temperature measurements: (Pt100-250-500-1000, Ni100, TC J-K-S-T-E)
    • Resistance measurements: selectable full scales (20 Ohm to 20 KOhm)
    • Dual rate, speed, frequency and period measurement: (0.001Hz to 50kHz)
    • Up to 4 independent alarm set-points (optional)
    • LED display, selectable colour (red, amber, green) coupled with alarm status
    • 20mA/10VDC analog output (optional)
    • Serial port RS485 or RS232 (optional)
    • MODBUS, JBUS communication protocol