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Rail web Permanent Electrical Contact AR60D .Cembre

Product Inquiry

Product Inquiry

Rail web Permanent Electrical Contact AR60D .Cembre


    Electrical permanent contact AR60D for hole Ø 19-20

    This system has been studied, designed and realized by Cembre in 1988 after a deep analysis of existing electrical connection systems and their performances. The aim of the Cembre system is to provide a general and substantial improvement on the most important characteristics of a contact between the rail and the electric cables like:

    • extremely low resistance (in terms of micro-ohms);
    • easy installation procedures and not depending on operator skilness;
    • short installation time (less than one minute for each operation);
    • possibility of disconnection / connection of attached cables.
    • cold extruded (requires no heating to the rail). After extensive tests, either in laboratory or in the field, the system has been recognized as totally reliable and perfectly matching the above listed requirements.

    The advantages of using the rail web contact, AR60D are that the bush can be installed in all weather and environmental conditions, with a simple easy to operate, portable tool, producing a consistent, quality installation, independent of the skill of the operator. The reduced installation time of this systems results in overall cost savings.


    During installation the bush is ‘extruded’ and the copper material flows into the wall of the hole, compensating for variation in hole size and filling any voids and uneven surfaces.


    Schematic view of the extrusion process (section):



    Extensive testing, performed in the test laboratory and in the field, has demonstrated a low and constant resistance, mechanical stability and protection from atmospheric corrosion.


    Examples of the electrical tests:

    Examples of tests in salt water environments:




















    Examples of lines equipped with automatic block:






    Examples of AR60D system in electrical joint applications: